Progress has been steady in spite of 90+ degree days and 100% humidity. We arrive at the site at 6:30 am and are soaked with sweat by 7 am. Tomorrow we'll complete the second story walls on the second house after which we'll start setting the large roof beams on both houses. The masonry crew is just finishing the concrete foundation for house #3, but we won't start framing that until I return from Colorado on May 5 after a brief but highly anticipated break.
Apparently we are entering into the "rainy season" so it will be interesting to see how much effect that will have on the project. I was here last year in the late spring and was told that the rainy season was coming, but it never really materialized, so we'll see what this year brings. Generally Haiti is also being affected by drought conditions even though there are frequent hard rains in the evenings.
Here are some pictures from last Friday. I'll post some current photos tomorrow.